We move one step ahead

A working tool for agronomists
Ardefsis merges traditional irrigation systems with intelligent sensoring technology. This significantly reduces water consumption by automatically adjusting soil moisture to optimal levels.
Ardefsis is a continuously-on system, designed for low-power, wireless data processing. It uses the LoRa (Long Range) protocol.
LoRa is a wireless communication technology that operates in the sub-gigahertz frequency bands.

An essential tool for agronomists in their work with farmers and gardeners. 
Its advanced technology and water conservation features allow for up to 50% savings in water consumption , while simultaneously improving plant health and increasing production.


  • Soil type 
  • Ground slope
  • Basic soil permeability
  • Exposure to light
  • Plant requirements / plant type
  • Active root system depth
  • Zoning
  • Placement of sprinklers
  • Sprinkler type
  • Sprinkler pressure
  • Soil type 
  • Ground slope
  • Basic soil permeability
  • Exposure to light
  • Plant requirements / plant type
  • Active root system depth
  • Zoning
  • Placement of sprinklers
  • Sprinkler type
  • Sprinkler pressure


Easy to use and configure

This system is compatible with any existing irrigation system, requiring no changes to the existing infrastructure.
All that is needed is the presence of an electric valve in each watering zone.
The central controller then regulates the supply of water to each solenoid valve based on the specific watering needs of each zone.



It differs from other automatic irrigation systems as it does not program the watering time but analyzes the needs of the soil according to the plants and the quality of the soil.

It thus provides optimal soil moisture when required by constantly controlling soil moisture.


Service Platform,

19-21 Ydras Street, Kipseli,
Athina 113 62.
Tel. +30 21 022 08157
Google Maps 8G95XPWP+FWJ